Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic

Bariatric surgeries save your life

Weight loss 20 kg

Bariatric surgery is the magic and easy solution to avoid excessive obesity and get rid of excess weight and accumulated fat. Because obesity is classified globally as one of the most dangerous diseases that lead to death and many serious diseases related to excess weight.

What are the diseases related to obesity?
Obesity and excess weight means the accumulation of fat under the skin and around the vital organs.
-The accumulation of fat around the respiratory system causes interruption of breathing during the night, which increases insomnia, lack of sleep, and increases the difficulty of breathing. 
-The accumulation of excess fat in the blood increases the chances of clots in the veins and arteries, with partial or complete blockage of those arteries.
-The accumulation of fat in the blood and blockage of the arteries causes an extra effort for the heart, causing high blood pressure. And if obesity is not treated quickly, it may cause heart disease.
-The accumulation of fat in the abdomen affects the digestion process, causing stomach ulcers, indigestion, and many problems in the digestive system.
-The accumulation of fat around the pancreas affects the efficiency of the pancreas and reduces the amount of insulin secretion sufficient to burn sugars in the blood and from food. Which causes type 2 diabetes.
-Excessive accumulation of fat causes a change in body cells, which increases the chances of developing cancer.
-The accumulation of fat significantly changes the shape and appearance of the body, which negatively affects the psychological status of the patient. And therefore the patient feels the desire for loneliness and introversion. This increases the chances of depression in obese patients.

What is the role of bariatric surgeries in treatment?
All kinds of Bariatric surgeries reduce the size of the stomach or divert the food path so that it is not absorbed, so the amount of food entering the body is reduced.
And then get rid of the amount of accumulated fat and excess weight, and thus:
-Elimination of the risk of blood clots, as a result of getting rid of the accumulated fats in the blood.
-The risk of high blood pressure disappears, as a result of getting rid of the fat accumulated in the veins and arteries.
-The disappearance of digestive problems, as a result of getting rid of the accumulation of fat around the digestive system.
-The disappearance of type 2 diabetes, as a result of getting rid of the fat accumulated around the pancreas.
-Reduction of the risk of cancer
-Getting rid of depression, as a result of enjoying a healthy body and a reshaped body free of excess weight and accumulated fat.

Thus, the importance of bariatric surgery appears in getting rid of excess weight and accumulated fat while eliminating serious diseases related to obesity.
We see here on the site a lot of success stories that tell a lot about the lives of patients before and after the bariatric surgery. And in these true stories, we see that all obese patients change their lives after surgery.
Some of them started a new life and discovered their new personality with their ability to move lightly and comfortably without any pain or diseases.